“Who Do You Think You Are?”: Tips to Find the Genealogy Records Christina Applegate Used
Last's night's "Who Do You Think You Are?" with Christina Applegate is a good example of how much you can learn even if you start with very little information. All she had to begin her search for her paternal grandmother was her father Robert's birth certificate and his...
Read MoreThe Star Wars Family Tree
"I am your father" was just the beginning. Here's the multigenerational saga of the Skywalker family tree.
Read MoreWho Do You Think You Are? Live!
As you read this, I'm still in the London, England area visiting with friends. Here's a glimpse of me at last year's Who Do You Think You Are? Live! show. It's exhilarating to meet with so many people to discuss their photos. As you can tell from the smile on...
Read MoreGenealogy Insider: Behind the Scenes with “Finding Your Roots” Premium
Family Tree Magazine takes you behind the scenes with the hit PBS television program "Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr."
Read MoreGenealogy Insider: Antiques Roadshow Premium
Go behind the scenes of PBS’ popular series "Antiques Roadshow" exploring everyday folks’ antiques.
Read More5 Questions with Henry Louis Gates Jr.
We recently had the pleasure of speaking with Henry Louis Gates Jr., host of the popular PBS series “Finding Your Roots”. Here's what he had to say!
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Photographs on Who Do You Think You Are?
Every so often, the cameras for Who Do You Think You Are pan across a family photo. Last week, there were two images of Marisa Tomei's ancestors. Instead of being in a family album, they were on a tombstone in Italy. How unusual was the practice...
Read MoreParents With a Sense of Humor
Hee, hee. I was searching Ancestry.com birth records for one of my Frost relatives, and I found this record for an unrelated person: Must be a transcription error, I thought. But here's the original record: Sure looks like Icy Frost to me. I suppose this little one's name could...
Read MoreFarmville for Genealogy Premium
Social gaming company Funium has launched a genealogy-themed game for play on Facebook.
Read MoreGenealogists Living in Second Life Premium
A virtual world of genealogy can improve your real-life research.
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