A Double Mystery
This week I'm researching a very interesting family photo of two men clowning for the camera. Sandy Forest showed me this image at an event over the weekend and I couldn't stop thinking about it. She's pretty sure about the identity of the man on the left, but the man...
Read MoreIn Honor of Martin Luther King Day
I realized today that I don't spend enough time on Flickr. If you're not familiar with it, try it today. It's a wonderful free resource. You can upload picture files, invite comments and share your pictorial heritage. If you want unlimited uploads and storage, user statistics and more...
Read MoreTime Flies
I couldn't help but use this as the title. It sums up the clues in this week's picture. Look carefully. The man in the photo holds an open pocket watch in his right hand and has a rooster on his lap. It appears he's trying to convey something...
Read MoreFirst Communion Mystery
I can tell that a lot of folks looked at their family photographs last week by the number of emails I received. Scannning, identifying and organizing your photos is a great way to start the new year. Remember to scan at no less than 600 dpi and select Tiff as...
Read MoreImmigrant Clues and Family Stories
Terri Poore and her cousin have a lot of questions about this photo. Who, what, when and where is just the beginning. Unfortunately, the original owner of the picture is currently unknown. Terri's cousin received a copy of it years ago and can't remember who gave him the print. Terri...
Read MoreShipboard Clues, Part 3
This week is another installment of Jake Jacoby's photo of a group in his collection. Two weeks ago in Photo Mysteries, A Clue at a Time, I discussed clothing clues. Last week in Shipboard Clues, I told you what I knew about the caption and the ship. Photo...
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Shipboard Clues
Last week in A Photo Mystery, A Clue at a Time, I introduced you to a wonderful group picture of folks on a ship. The ShipWhat I didn't show you is the caption that runs along the bottom edge of the picture. Unfortunately, part of the cardboard is broken off...
Read MoreA Photo Mystery, A Clue at a Time
Complex image identification often requires examining each piece of a photo story—historical context, family history, and costume history along with a bit of common sense. Jake Jacoby owns this wonderful image of a group of people onboard a ship. There is a caption, but I'll share that next week. I'm...
Read MoreLookalikes in the Family Album
I'll blame it on the holiday season. I'm feeling a little silly today. I laughed out loud when I saw Karen Thornhill's picture submission. Thank you Karen! It's not the subject matter of the photo that made be chuckle, it's how she started the e-mail. First, though...who...
Read MoreFamily Across the Border
Like so many French-Canadians and Acadians, some of Marie-Josee Binette's family left Quebec in the 1890s to seek jobs in the United States. She owns a lovely photo album that documents this move in pictures, but she has no idea who the people are. Marie-Josee knows that her great-grandmother Elina...
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