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Dane Reaction
Thanks so much for the great article on Danish genealogy (March 2009). Although I’ve been researching my Danish ancestors for several years now, the article contained some new and useful information.

But the article didn’t mention a key Web site that revolutionized my research: the RootsWeb Denmark List. The information is right on target for new and experienced researchers, and the associated e-mail list is a wonderful source of assistance in research, translation and cultural understanding, with Danish and non-Danish participants.
Ellen Naor, Seattle
Food for Thought

In the article “Power Hour” (January 2009), the author jokes about dripping grape jelly on research notes, or eating a ham sandwich “while hunched over the keyboard.” I realize this was somewhat in jest, but please note that it is a bad practice to eat or drink while using a computer. Do not touch a keyboard while eating anything, and don’t place your coffee cup on top of the CPU; sooner or later someone will bump it and it will spill. If you’re lucky, you’ll merely have to replace your keyboard a few times a year. If unlucky, you’ll be replacing more than that.

While I have your attention—have you backed up your hard drive lately?

Dennis Lawrence, via e-mail

Research Reboot

On behalf of the LaCasa Genealogical Society, I’m writing to say we appreciate your article “Your Guide to Google” (January 2009). It was the topic of our January meeting, and I’m sure it will kick-start our research for 2009.
Barbara Gordon, North Port, Fla.


Cleared Up

When I read in Family Tree Magazine (Branching Out, November 2008) that the clarity of some online census records was going to be improved, I immediately looked at the Geyserville, Sonoma County, Calif., census. I had given up all hope of being able to read that particular record—critical to dating some old photographs—because it was too dark and blurred. I was delighted to find it clear and legible!
Ann L. Howard, via e-mail

Curious Clues

This letter is a response to the photograph in the November 2008 issue’s Everything’s Relative that showed a group of women dressed like men. The woman who sent it in explained that two of the women were her aunts, who never married, though one of them had a “steady beau.”

I read an article about how much lesbians and gay men enjoyed Halloweens of old because it was the only time they could cross-dress without being arrested. Older lesbians have told me about going on double dates that looked normal—except it was really two same-sex couples. Some gay men and lesbians married, even had children, to avoid the hate they otherwise would have been subjected to. Sometimes genealogy leads to surprising information. 

Jacqueline Eisenbrandt, Woodview, Va.