Which DNA Test Is Right For Me? Free eBook

By Family Tree Editors
An iPad laying on top of an open book, showing the Which DNA Test is Right for Me? ebook.

Genetic genealogy is confusing to dive into and can leave even a professional genealogist wondering, “Is a DNA test worth the trouble?” Not only can the words used to by scientific websites online sound like a whole other language, but with so many test provider options to pick from, it’s hard to know where to even start.

That’s why we have put together this free ebook, Which DNA Test Is Right For Me? to help you determine where to start your DNA testing strategy to achieve your genetic genealogy goals. You have a unique family tree and you want to know which brick walls you need to break through to find your ancestors and your DNA results will reflect that.

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What’s inside the Which DNA Test Is Right For Me? ebook?

Get your copy of Which DNA Test Is Right For Me? to not only pinpoint which DNA test is perfect for you but to also receive free science reference guides that will explain all the jargon used online, as well as articles about the history of DNA and genetic genealogy research. Also included are charts on most pages, for those who need a visual guide to the complex reading material.


Guide #1: DNA Success Stories

DNA testing success stories

Not sure if DNA testing is necessary? Read about how four genealogists are breaking through brick walls with the help of DNA tests.

Guide #2: The History of DNA

History of DNA

Learn about how far the science has come with genetic genealogy – so you can feel confident in the accuracy and relevancy of your DNA results.

Guide #3: Understanding DNA Tests

Understanding these basic principals will help you determine which DNA test is the best option for delving into the genetics in your family tree.


Guide #4: Doin’ the Autosomal DNA Shuffle

Autosomal DNA is an ever-growing and vital part of DNA testing, and a great entry into developing a working knowledge of genetic genealogy.

Guide #5: Which Way To Go?

When it comes to DNA testing, it can feel like there’s a thousand ways to go. Carefully consider these points to help pick the right path.

Guide #6: Start Today

Start your search for genetic genealogy tests and tools with these companies and resources.

Guide #7: DNA Fact or Fiction?

Discover the truth behind six common genetic genealogy misconceptions–and figure out how DNA testing really fits into your family tree search.

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