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10 Years Ago I..
1. Left full-time employment and benefits like vacation time to freelance and focus on photos.
2. Coordinated a website project Boston Family History
3. Had two young children
4. Wrote my first trade paperback book, Through the Eyes of Your Ancestors, a guide to family history for kids.
5. Didn’t have time for anything else <grin>
Five Things on Today’s To-Do List
1. Try to catch up on e-mail
2. Write this column
3. Attend my son’s soccer game
4. Work on some client reports
5. Wrap up work to take the weekend off
Five Snacks I Enjoy
1. Newman O’s (the wheat free/dairy free kind)
2. Pamela’s dark chocolate chocolate chip cookies
3. Raspberry Sorbet (Haagan Dazs)
4. Tostitos
5. Green and Blacks 85% Dark Chocolate
Five Places I’ve Lived
1. Bristol, Rhode Island
2. Providence, Rhode Island
3. Boston area, Massachusetts (twice)
4. That’s all!
Five Jobs I’ve Had
1. clerk in a hardware store
2. Photo Curator
3. Reference Librarian
4. Picture Researcher
5. The Photo Detective <grin>
Five Blogs I Tag (This is a hard question there are so many I like to read)
1. Dead Fred (of course)
2. California Genealogical Society and Library Blog ( I love Wordless Wednesday’s)
3. The Genealogue
4. The 24/7 Family History Circle
5. The Practical Archivist