The Mystery of a Grand Master Mason

By Maureen A. Taylor

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photo identification detective maureen taylor

Sharon Kilpatrick has a big mystery. She was told that this photo was her 2x great grandfather, Ze’ev Voolf, born in 1841 in Central Europe. She knows he immigrates to England circa 1864, marries there, and the couple arrives in the U.S. in 1872. In 1910 he died in Baltimore.

She’s not really sure this is Ze’ev. She’s right to be concerned. This picture was taken in Melbourne Australia. I double-checked by searching for Swanston St., Melbourne. Yup. Australia. Maybe Ze’ev made a stop down under before coming to the United States.

This picture was taken in Melbourne Australia. I double-checked by searching for Swanston St., Melbourne. Yup. Australia. Maybe Ze’ev made a stop down under before coming to the United States. The photographer was Melba, another confirmation that it wasn’t taken in England or the United States.


There is one other problem, though. This man wears the attire and the initials of a Grand Master Mason. Perhaps this man was a member of the Masonic Hall on Collins St. in Melbourne. A photograph of it appears on the Museum Victoria website.

So who is this man?

One thing that might help is the date. A clue is the term Paris Panel that appears with the photographer’s information at the bottom of the card. This is a style of cabinet card that measured 9 ¾ x 6 ¾ inches and appeared in the 1890s.

He’s at least middle-aged.


I have a feeling that the Australia connection is going to solve this one. Can’t wait to hear back from Sharon Kilpatrick.